Colonial Mills  Grano Indoor Wool Blend Braided Rug Black 5X7 5' x 8' Oval

Colonial Mills Grano Indoor Wool Blend Braided Rug Black 5X7 5' x 8' Oval

Colonial Mills
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GN50R060X084 Grano - Black 5x7 Rug, 75% Polypropylene/ 25% Wool - Oval. Casual meets stylish. Beautiful bordered rug. Simple. Effortless. Classic. A modern take on the tradition of braid. Blended wool. Handcrafted. Made to order. Recommended for indoor use only. Reversible for twice the wear. Wool: Wool yarns create a texturized, heathered look with unmatched quality, durability, and timeless style., Reversible: This rug is crafted to last and last. Reversibility adds longevity with twice the wear and tear.

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GN50R060X084 Grano - Black 5x7 Rug, 75% Polypropylene/ 25% Wool - Oval. Casual meets stylish. Beautiful bordered rug. Simple. Effortless. Classic. A modern take on the tradition of braid. Blended wool. Handcrafted. Made to order. Recommended for indoor use only. Reversible for twice the wear. Wool: Wool yarns create a texturized, heathered look with unmatched quality, durability, and timeless style., Reversible: This rug is crafted to last and last. Reversibility adds longevity with twice the wear and tear.