H33757 Rosie The Riveter World War II Icon with Detachable Speech Bubble Cardboard Cutout Standup

H33757 Rosie The Riveter World War II Icon with Detachable Speech Bubble Cardboard Cutout Standup

Wet Paint Printing + Design
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model number: H33757


  • Wet Paint Printing + Design

Details: Cardboard cutout of Rosie the Riveter with a detachable "We can do it" speech bubble. She was a cultural icon of World War 2. She represented female factory and shipyard workers during World War II, and many of which were for war supplies and munitions. She is also used as a symbol of women's economic advantage and ferminism. She is an icon of empowerment. Dimensions are 65x25in

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model number: H33757


  • Wet Paint Printing + Design

Details: Cardboard cutout of Rosie the Riveter with a detachable "We can do it" speech bubble. She was a cultural icon of World War 2. She represented female factory and shipyard workers during World War II, and many of which were for war supplies and munitions. She is also used as a symbol of women's economic advantage and ferminism. She is an icon of empowerment. Dimensions are 65x25in