Life-size King Penguin Cardboard Cutout

Life-size King Penguin Cardboard Cutout

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SKU: 710

UPC: 082033007102

Width: 36

Height: 20

Depth: 1

Description: This life-size cardboard cutout of a penguin is so lifelike. It has an easel on the back so that it can stand on its own. It's so easy to order, and it will be the perfect addition to your next event, room, or as a gift!

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SKU: 710

UPC: 082033007102

Width: 36

Height: 20

Depth: 1

Description: This life-size cardboard cutout of a penguin is so lifelike. It has an easel on the back so that it can stand on its own. It's so easy to order, and it will be the perfect addition to your next event, room, or as a gift!