Life-size Nash The Good Dinosaur Cardboard Cutout

Life-size Nash The Good Dinosaur Cardboard Cutout

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SKU: 2054

UPC: 082033020545

Width: 61.00 (in)

Height: 48.00 (in)

Depth: 1.00 (in)

Description: Nash is an enthusiastic young Tyrannosaurus Rex from the new movie The Good Dinosaur. Nash lives for adventure, and loves when something unexpected breaks up the routine of rounding up longhorns with his father, Butch, and his big sister, Ramsey. He isn't the sharpest of spurs and has trouble keeping track of their herd, but his mischievous charm and positive attitude make him good company out on the range. Order your Nash cardboard standup today! Size: 48" x 61" Sku # 2054

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SKU: 2054

UPC: 082033020545

Width: 61.00 (in)

Height: 48.00 (in)

Depth: 1.00 (in)

Description: Nash is an enthusiastic young Tyrannosaurus Rex from the new movie The Good Dinosaur. Nash lives for adventure, and loves when something unexpected breaks up the routine of rounding up longhorns with his father, Butch, and his big sister, Ramsey. He isn't the sharpest of spurs and has trouble keeping track of their herd, but his mischievous charm and positive attitude make him good company out on the range. Order your Nash cardboard standup today! Size: 48" x 61" Sku # 2054