Life-Size Outdoor Coroplast LGBT Pride Yard Sign

Life-Size Outdoor Coroplast LGBT Pride Yard Sign

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SKU: 3588

UPC: 082033035884

Width: 23.00 (in)

Height: 15.00 (in)

Depth: 1.00 (in)

Description: This is an Outdoor LGBT Pride Yard Sign. Perfect for showing off your love and support for the LGBTQ+ community during Pride Month and all year round! Our yard signs are made of weather resistant corrugated plastic, and come with yard stakes so that they are free standing. Works great outdoors on grass or soft soil.   What a great way to make a big statement outside your home or business! Note: Stakes may be sharp please exercise caution when assembling. Signs are not designed for use in extreme wind or weather conditions.

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SKU: 3588

UPC: 082033035884

Width: 23.00 (in)

Height: 15.00 (in)

Depth: 1.00 (in)

Description: This is an Outdoor LGBT Pride Yard Sign. Perfect for showing off your love and support for the LGBTQ+ community during Pride Month and all year round! Our yard signs are made of weather resistant corrugated plastic, and come with yard stakes so that they are free standing. Works great outdoors on grass or soft soil.   What a great way to make a big statement outside your home or business! Note: Stakes may be sharp please exercise caution when assembling. Signs are not designed for use in extreme wind or weather conditions.