Marilyn Monroe-Net Stockings-Cardboard Cutout 314

Marilyn Monroe-Net Stockings-Cardboard Cutout 314

Advanced Graphics
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SKU: 314

UPC: 082033003142

Width: 32.00 (in)

Height: 71.00 (in)

Depth: 1.00 (in)

Description: This life-size cardboard cutout of the star Marilyn Monroe is so lifelike and of very high quality. Bring home this sassy and fun Marilyn Monroe standup! Order one of our life-size stand-ups today!

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SKU: 314

UPC: 082033003142

Width: 32.00 (in)

Height: 71.00 (in)

Depth: 1.00 (in)

Description: This life-size cardboard cutout of the star Marilyn Monroe is so lifelike and of very high quality. Bring home this sassy and fun Marilyn Monroe standup! Order one of our life-size stand-ups today!