Wild Turkey WallJammer

Wild Turkey WallJammer

Advanced Graphics
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SKU: WJ1215

UPC: 082033040314

Width: 24.00 (in)

Height: 24.00 (in)

Depth: 1.00 (in)

Description: The image on this WallJammer is a beautifully painted wild turkey. Turkeys have beautiful feathers and this painting perfectly portrays that beauty. This WallJammer is extremely cute, so get one now! Sku # WJ1215

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SKU: WJ1215

UPC: 082033040314

Width: 24.00 (in)

Height: 24.00 (in)

Depth: 1.00 (in)

Description: The image on this WallJammer is a beautifully painted wild turkey. Turkeys have beautiful feathers and this painting perfectly portrays that beauty. This WallJammer is extremely cute, so get one now! Sku # WJ1215