Viking Cardboard Cutout

Viking Cardboard Cutout

Advanced Graphics
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SKU: 1955

UPC: 082033019556

Width: 27.00 (in)

Height: 76.00 (in)

Depth: 1.00 (in)

Description: The only word to describe this epic and masculine Viking cardboard standup is awesome! Featuring the iconic horned hat, muscular frame and even the classic battle axe, this is one hardcore warrior. Order yours today! Size is: 76" x 27" Sku # 1955

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SKU: 1955

UPC: 082033019556

Width: 27.00 (in)

Height: 76.00 (in)

Depth: 1.00 (in)

Description: The only word to describe this epic and masculine Viking cardboard standup is awesome! Featuring the iconic horned hat, muscular frame and even the classic battle axe, this is one hardcore warrior. Order yours today! Size is: 76" x 27" Sku # 1955